Category Archives: Blog

New Docents Join the Ranks

Posted on November 09, 2022
This August, in between Birds in Art preparations and programming, the Woodson Art Museum staff offered new-docent training classes for a group of six community members. These enthusiastic and insightful future docents comprise two former physicians, an artist, a lawyer, a designer and amateur botanist, and a retired salesman who served as the Museum’s former fire extinguisher training instructor.

Dressing the Part

Posted on November 02, 2022
Although it might sound strange to some, my wife and I generally accept our kids’ wishes to dress up as people they admire for Halloween

“All the News That’s Fit to Print”

Posted on October 26, 2022
Big news today . . . for me and for the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum. After more than two decades at the helm, I will retire on December 31, 2022; Assistant Director Matt Foss will assume the directorship on January 1.

Birds in Art: What We Are Hearing

Posted on October 19, 2022
Now, into the sixth week of this edition of Birds in Art, the timing feels right to share excerpts from notes, letters, and emails received by the staff.

Leonora Carrington’s Celtic Garden

Posted on October 12, 2022
Artist Leonora Carrington’s enduring interest in myth created a unique approach to the frequently seen Surrealist subjects of things like dreams, visions, and the shamanistic presence of animals within them. Recently acquired by the Woodson Art Museum, Carrington’s The Saints of Hampstead Heath, 1997, showcases these tendencies.

Experiencing Art with a Range of Audiences

Posted on October 05, 2022
In my role, I am fortunate to have art-related experiences and discussions with a variety of audiences, both in the gallery and off-campus.

A Dreamy Wedding Day

Posted on September 28, 2022
On Saturday, Scott and I married in front of our families, friends, and my Woodson Art Museum coworkers.

The Glass Box Studio

Posted on September 21, 2022
Among the most important and successful components of the Woodson Art Museum’s role in our community is hosting visiting artists.


Posted on September 14, 2022
While beautiful sunsets occur throughout all four seasons in Wisconsin, especially during the dead of winter, nothing beats a summer sunset, marking the end of a long day well spent outside.

Birds in Art 2022: A Lot to Celebrate

Posted on September 07, 2022
On the eve of Birds in Art previews, things sure look different than they did last year and the year before . . . and we’re grateful. Celebrate with us this weekend and throughout the eleven-week run of Birds in Art, the best indoor bird watching on the planet.