Holiday Greetings from the Woodson Art Museum

Posted on December 23, 2014
Woodson Art Museum visits are a great way to celebrate the season, always admission free! Experience what's new to see and do. Museum hours: Tuesday – Friday, 9am – 4pm Saturday – Sunday, Noon – 5pm Closed on Monday and holidays, including Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day. Happy holidays!

A Sweet Honored Tradition

Posted on December 17, 2014
I don’t observe many Christmas traditions of my childhood. While I love the beauty of a fresh snowfall, I no longer desire to trudge through it to cut a fresh balsam fir. Likewise, gone is the thrill of spending hours in retail stores rubbing elbows with hundreds of shoppers in search of holiday gifts. Instead you’ll find me scouring magazines, cookbooks, and blogs for holiday cookie recipes. Yes, tradition implies passing favorites from generation to generation, which I honor, but I love adding new flavors to savor and challenging recipes to hone my skills and add variation to the platter.

TAC Is Changing . . . .

Posted on December 10, 2014
Change can trigger progress, causing things to move forward and develop. This fall brings change and progress to the Woodson Art Museum Teen Art Council or TAC.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Posted on December 03, 2014
After this fall’s early snowfall–and–melt cycle, a warm day last weekend prompted my wife, Jeana, to coax me outside to build a snowman. At first I resisted, but fun memories of building giant snowmen with our son and his friends when he was a boy got the better of me.

For the Love of Thanksgiving

Posted on November 26, 2014
Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. No surprise. What’s not to like about a family-and-friends-based celebration focused on food and predicated on acknowledging all that we have to be thankful for? If you’re out and about post-Thanksgiving and looking for a special way to entertain visiting family and friends, the Woodson Art Museum is open Friday, November 28, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday, November 29 and 30, Noon – 5:00 p.m. Among the exhibitions on view, 50 Greatest National Geographic Photographs offers as much diversity as coast-to-coast Thanksgiving menus!

The World’s Adventures Delivered to Your Doorstep

Posted on November 19, 2014
Think for a moment like a 10-year-old. At a time when our minds are malleable and craving adventure, we’re confined to homework and childhood chores. Escape comes through daydreams of new experiences, places, and people. As a self-assured and animated 10-year-old, I easily envisioned that my life’s work would cleverly combine marine biology, anthropology, and becoming the next Jane Goodall.

A Student, an Art Museum, and a Hope Diamond

Posted on November 12, 2014
Who doesn’t love a good story? Would you rather listen to a story that illustrates a point or be pummeled with piles of statistics? Stories stir, numbers numb, and jargon jars. That’s the pithy point, the gold-nugget takeaway unearthed by author Andy Goodman during a recent “Power of Storytelling” workshop in Milwaukee for dozens of non-profit organization representatives.

Planning Ahead

Posted on November 05, 2014
Almost every day local, state, or national news reports tell of damaging storms, industrial accidents, or gas and oil spills – all classified as disasters. I shudder at the thought of something similar happening near the Woodson Art Museum.

40 Is the New 39

Posted on October 29, 2014
The Museum and Birds in Art are embracing turning the big 4-0. Sustained success is a source of pride; and like a fine wine, the exhibition will continue to improve with age.

Curatorial Pearls

Posted on October 22, 2014
At this time of the year, Birds in Art is in full swing. It’s always been the Woodson Art Museum’s most popular exhibition. When I pass through the galleries, I’m constantly impressed by the many visitors who make their way to the Museum to take in our annual avian exhibition.... Read More