Birds in Art Jury: Museum Director Weighs In
Posted on May 13, 2015
I take my hat off to the 2015 Birds in Art jury and to the 607 artists who submitted work for consideration.
The exhibition, now in its fortieth year, is predicated on both: keen-eyed jurors and talented artists.
“Matt on a Hot Steel Roof”
Posted on May 06, 2015
Last spring, the roof looked healthy and vibrant and we expected the original clay tiles to experience many more happy returns. When the Woodson’s design-build partner, The Samuels Group, replaced the windows in the original structure, they noticed portions of the roof needing immediate attention. We saw it, too. The news was sudden, but wasn’t shocking.
Choosing Favorites
Posted on April 22, 2015
All but the final touches are complete for a new exhibition in the Woodson Art Museum south galleries. The process began well over a year ago during an Art 101 program.
The Many Faces of Jayna
Posted on April 15, 2015
Woodson Art Museum program participants and blog readers know the many faces – and undertakings – of educator Jayna Hintz. From Art Babies to Art Park’s learning-infused play and from hands-on art making to SPARK! shared stories, Jayna’s fine hand and commitment to object-based learning and engagement have been experienced by visitors of all ages, backgrounds, and interests.
Sandstorm Falcons
Posted on April 08, 2015
My wife and I recently returned from Abu Dhabi where we visited our son, Justin, and his wife, Sarah, who have been working on the Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi project for a few years. It was our third visit to the area and every time we go, I like to... Read More
Unbridled Talent
Posted on March 11, 2015
Two new crayon drawings are hanging on my refrigerator. My darling next-door-neighbor boys, Taylen and Easton, recently brought them over to cheer me up. “Grandma Jane” is thrilled with each new masterpiece added to the collection. At ages 3 and 4, they aren’t hampered by coloring within the lines or using proper colors for the images; they are thrilled with the simple joy of creating. I’m honored to display them. That, too, is true of the artworks in the 38th annual