Whirlwind Week

Posted on February 24, 2016
What a whirlwind week. After several days of keeping barely contained excitement corked behind a Cheshire cat grin, it’s a relief and pure joy to herald the good news. The Woodson Art Museum is a finalist for the 2016 National Medal for Museum and Library Service. Yesterday, the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency supporting the nation’s 123,000 libraries and 35,000 museums, announced the thirty finalists – fifteen of which are museums and only seven of which are art museums – from throughout the United States.

Free Agent Addition for Team Foss

Posted on February 17, 2016
For my daughter, Lucy, her reign as an only child recently ended with the birth of our son, Brooks. One of the reasons this is a good is because Lucy will have to learn to share. One thing she can share immediately is a love of art.

In Fine Feather

Posted on February 10, 2016
I recently led an overview tour of the Woodson Art Museum’s collection for a group of docents in training. Typically, I do this annually, so for consistency I use an outline. I also produce a list of the collection artworks divided into categories: works on paper, paintings, sculpture, etc . . . I find it provides a necessary perspective on the history and development of the collection. I’m amazed by the collection’s growth over forty years.

Share Art

Posted on February 03, 2016
When asked what I do or what my role is at the Woodson Art Museum, my brief distilled answer is, “I share art.” Sharing art is elegant in its simplicity. There isn’t a right or wrong answer. No correct spelling, proper grammar, or formula required. No prior experience needed. Read a book with a toddler and you’ll soon discover that even the youngest has an opinion about art, as a favorite illustration brings delight.

Sweet Snow-Sculpture Dreams

Posted on January 27, 2016
While the 2016 snow sculpture took shape at the Woodson Art Museum last weekend, a massive snowstorm blanketed the Eastern seaboard. See how it developed from initial plans to a finished sculpture.

Winter on My Mind

Posted on January 20, 2016
Team USA Snow Sculptors – Mike Martino, Tom Queoff, and Mike Sponholtz – certainly know how to make magic with snow and they’ll be doing just that at the Woodson Art Museum on Saturday and Sunday, January 23 and 24, from Noon to 5:00 p.m. Drive bys are one way to watch the snow sculpture progress, but it’s more fun to watch up close and talk with the sculptors . . . they love the interaction, so dress warmly and don’t be shy.

Highlights and Looking Ahead

Posted on January 13, 2016
2015 was a busy year for the Woodson Art Museum’s education department, and 2016 is off to a great start with one artist residency completed and over two hundred area students already served. In 2015, the Museum welcomed thousands of regional Pre-K through twelfth-grade students to the Museum during docent-led experiences, artist residencies, workshops, and camps.

Shared Experience — A Welcome Travel Trend

Posted on January 06, 2016
More shared experiences, fewer material possessions – prognosticators say these trends are driving multigenerational travel and the way Millennials will prefer to spend their money and time. The upcoming Walter Wick: Games, Gizmos, and Toys in the Attic exhibition fits perfectly with the shared-experience, multigenerational travel trend.

The Year in Art

Posted on December 30, 2015
The dawn of 2016 is just two days away. The anticipation of the New Year is marked in many fashions, from celebrations to resolutions for personal improvement. Long gone is my desire to toast the changing of the calendar. I do appreciate year-in- review reports and looking ahead to continued prosperity.

Strong Women

Posted on December 23, 2015
Strong women: may we know them, may we be them, and may we raise them. I learned this toast decades ago – from whom I no longer recall – and have shared it on many occasions. It’s rattled around in my head over this past month, bringing to mind influential women in my life.