How Museums Can Better Serve Veterans and Military Families
Posted on November 30, 2016
Earlier this month, I had the privilege of participating in the Institute of Museum and Library Services’ Town Hall convening focused on addressing the needs of veterans and military families. The Woodson Art Museum’s commitment to Always Free Admission and barrier-free accessibility are two ways we serve all visitors and community members, including veterans and their families. In the near term, exciting new exhibitions – Tiffany Glass: Painting with Color and Light; Enduring Beauty: Art Nouveau Glass; and Victorian Art Glass Baskets – open Saturday, December 3.
Posted on November 23, 2016
Pentimenti – my new favorite word. It’s derived from the Italian word for repentance.
While waiting for a student tour to arrive, Timothy David Mayhew – a recent artist in residence and expert in Old Master natural-chalk technique – curator of education Catie Anderson and I were admiring chalk drawings from the Woodson Art Museum’s collection. Tiepolo’s Head of an Old Bearded Man with the faint lines of the first attempts still visible, elicited a discussion about the unforgiving nature of chalk; once drawn it cannot be erased or removed. The merciless nature of the medium trains the artist to master a light touch and embrace the ghostly remains of previous efforts – the pentimenti.
Life-List Highlights
Posted on November 16, 2016
Both within and beyond the Woodson Art Museum galleries, I enjoy bird watching and learning about our feathered friends. Like many fellow contemporary birders, I post my sightings to eBird, a website and mobile app. Whether or not you’re a birder, visit the Woodson Art Museum on or before November 27 to experience Birds in Art, a must-see highlight for your exhibition life list.
Fueling the Creative-Feedback Loop
Posted on November 09, 2016
Increasingly, people are being inspired to champion the Woodson Art Museum by voluntarily taking the time to share their enthusiasm via social media — writing reviews on Trip Advisor; liking, sharing, and retweeting the Museum’s Facebook and Twitter posts; and creating videos and posting them on You Tube.
Re-engaging with Help from Artists and Scientists
Posted on November 02, 2016
Artist residencies enliven artwork on view for Woodson Art Museum visitors, area students, and program participants. Working with guest artists also prompts Museum staff to re-engage and reconsider an exhibition.
Embrace the Unexpected
Posted on October 26, 2016
My husband, Ernie, and I recently returned from a magical adventure in Peru. From our arrival in Lima to our departure a week later, everything we did – and ate! – exceeded expectations. I thought about the timeliness of our immersion in Peruvian ceramics as the Woodson Art Museum looks ahead to next summer’s focus on contemporary Japanese ceramists.
Enhancing the Collection
Posted on October 19, 2016
One of the most exciting aspects of my career at the Woodson Art Museum is working with the artists. Just recently, following the 2016 opening of Birds in Art, I contacted fifteen artists to purchase or accept gifts of their work for the permanent collection.
Those fifteen paintings, sculptures, and works on paper join 486 others that have been acquired from Birds in Art exhibitions over the past forty-one years. By any standards that is an amazing commitment to supporting artists and building a world-class collection for future generations.
Of Mice and Little Men
Posted on October 12, 2016
Hundreds of metrics and tools exist to measure job performance, satisfaction, and efficacy. I knew I’d successfully accomplished a significant portion of my job – on a particularly program-packed day – when 3-year-old Thomas educated older sibling Ila about the mouse in the glint of Hubie’s eye. Thomas and his mom had attended Art Time for Tots earlier in the day, and he delightedly shared the morning’s gallery stories with his older sister as she gathered for Art Kids in the evening.
With Thanks!
Posted on October 05, 2016
There are moments in life that catch you off guard in unexpected ways. During the opening weekend of Birds in Art, I experienced such a moment.
Saving Dishes
Posted on September 28, 2016
While Woodson staff members are comfortable and happy working with all artists in residence, we might just be a little more relaxed around another museum professional . . .