Encouraging Words

Posted on April 19, 2017
Students’ illustrated thank-you notes and visitors’ thoughtful reflections offer opportunities to take joy from others’ observations about the wonders that occur here. Like backyard bird watching, we hope you’ll enjoy these comments as a “window” on the Woodson Art Museum world and make visits here a part of yours, soon and often, throughout this spring and beyond.

Joe Ruelle: A Tribute

Posted on April 12, 2017
With great sadness, I write this week in tribute to Joe Ruelle, who died on Monday evening, having served as facilities manager at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum for twenty years. Joe succumbed to an aggressive, inoperable brain tumor, diagnosed just eleven weeks ago. Joe was one of a kind. He didn’t just “serve” as facilities manager, he embraced every aspect of the position and the Museum. He also valued his co-workers – as we valued him.

Spring Fever

Posted on April 05, 2017
I don’t like to rush the seasons, but I do admit to longing for spring. I appreciate that the sky is brighter, the lawn greener, and blooming flowers add color to the landscape. These are encouraging sights after a long, snowy winter. April is a time of change at the Woodson Art Museum, too.

Nourishing through Time and Attention

Posted on March 29, 2017
Soaking rain. Frost. Sunshine and fifty-five degrees. Forecasted snow. Spring break in Wisconsin. My kids and I are enjoying a “staycation.” I’m at the Woodson Art Museum typing away and they are around the house soaking up the no-school vibes. We’ll escape for a day trip to a favorite educational and entertaining venue in Chicago.

Our Newest Master Sculptor

Posted on March 22, 2017
A key component of the Woodson Art Museum’s flagship Birds in Art exhibition is the Museum’s Master Artist recognition for achievement within the avian-art genre. This tradition began with Wisconsin’s Owen Gromme in 1976 and over the years has highlighted the work of an international cast of thirty-six artists.

From the Wisconsin Governor’s Conference on Tourism

Posted on March 15, 2017
Upon returning from the conference, I’m reflecting on sense of place and how the Woodson Art Museum contributes to our community’s distinct experiences. With M.C. Escher: Reality and Illusion attracting large crowds and enthusiastic feedback, I’m again convinced of the power of artworks to be thought provoking, conversation generating, and intensely inspiring.

Docent Debut

Posted on March 08, 2017
The Woodson Art Museum is really, truly BTYB – Brought To You By –  volunteers. Dedicated, generous, curious, and enthusiastic volunteers make visitors feel welcomed, add beauty to our grounds, and engage thousands of school children each year.

The Buzz About Escher

Posted on March 01, 2017
We’re all excited about Escher – abuzz, agog, and atwitter. Saturday, March 4 is opening day of M.C. Escher: Reality and Illusion, featuring a large retrospective of the Dutch artist’s work that became pervasive during the last four decades in museums worldwide and throughout pop culture.

New Perspective Poster Child

Posted on February 22, 2017
Opening March 4, M.C. Escher: Reality and Illusion will feature the art of acclaimed Dutch artist M.C. Escher. Filled with visual puzzles blending imagination with reality, Escher’s artwork is prevalent in pop-culture history. Starting in the late 1960s, Escher’s work became a popular choice for college dorm-room posters.

Fairy Godmother

Posted on February 15, 2017
I have a beloved fairy godmother at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum. My fairy godmother’s stock-in-trade isn’t pumpkins, mice, ball gowns, and glass slippers. Nor does she brandish a glitter- and sparkle-filled wand.