Are You Ready for Some Birds in Art?
Posted on September 06, 2017
The first few days after Labor Day are hectic. At the Woodson Art Museum, staff keep busy putting the finishing touches on Birds in Art. Perhaps more pressing, it’s time to draft my fantasy football team.
Wandering with the Woodson
Posted on August 30, 2017
For nine years, Woodson Art Museum staff members have written weekly for our mixed-voice blog, “Woodson Wanderings.” We’ve never missed a week, a fact in which we take great pride.
Via wide-ranging and varied posts, we’ve shared institutional and personal joys and sorrows. We’ve laughed and we’ve cried. We’ve celebrated and we’ve mourned.
Bye, Bye, Summer; Hello, Birdie
Posted on August 23, 2017
Taking turns lamenting summer’s inevitable departure seems to be an unofficial, mid-August tradition amongst Woodson Art Museum staff members.
“How is it already August?!”
“Birds in Art can’t be just two weeks away.”
“Where did my summer go?”
The good news is Museum staff didn’t waste summer lounging around on the couch or acquiring poolside sunburns.
The Wall(s)
Posted on August 09, 2017
Although walls may not seem as crucial as the artwork they support, an attractive and reliable backdrop ensures enjoyment of the artwork.
Wabi Sabi
Posted on August 02, 2017
With a background in sociology and comparative religious studies, I’ve done my share of navel-gazing; with a career in gallery engagement, artwork-gazing is a daily ritual. Imagine my bliss when an art exhibition encompasses more than a process, medium, or movement and extends to a worldview.
Bad Hair Day & Molting Makeover
Posted on July 26, 2017
If you’ve visited the Woodson Art Museum during the past year, you’ve likely noticed near the main entrance the nearly thirty-foot-tall sculpture of a pair of dancing sandhill cranes made of tree saplings, tie-wraps, and plastic bags.
Woodson Goes to Washington
Posted on July 19, 2017
Since learning the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum would receive the 2017 National Medal for Museum Service, I have been counting the days until the Washington, D.C. award ceremony.
It’s now come and gone. The memories will be with me forever.
Adventures in Kiln Sitting
Posted on July 12, 2017
Like many people, I learn best by doing. For years, my knowledge of ceramics was minimal and I hadn’t really considered pottery since I was a pre-teen taking classes at Chicago’s Lill Street Art Center. That all changed about six months ago when I revisited ceramics in preparation for the Woodson Art Museum’s summer exhibition, Nature, Tradition & Innovation: Contemporary Japanese Ceramics, on view through August 27.
This Medal Is Your Medal
Posted on July 05, 2017
Sunshine and dry skies are needed for the Woodson Art Museum’s community celebration on Thursday, August 3, 4-7 pm, in the sculpture garden. Save that August 3 date; we hope the community will bask in the glow of the Museum’s recognition as a winner of the 2017 National Medal for Museum and Library Service – the nation’s highest museum honor for service to the community.
Collecting Comments
Posted on August 16, 2017