Still Defrosting
Posted on January 24, 2018
At face value, Tom Queoff, Mike Martino, and Mike Sponholtz seem to have nothing in common (in looks nor personality), but work together as well as any team or group I’ve had the pleasure of watching.
Blogged Down
Posted on January 17, 2018
I typically anticipate my slot in the “Woodson Wanderings” posting rotation. Storytelling is what I do; it’s the creative filter through which I experience the world. This time I became stuck, until I focused on a recent spontaneous creation that SPARK! participants sculpted from modeling compound. It means the world to me. May a modicum of all that SPARK! is – for individuals with memory-loss and their family members, friends, care partners, Woodson volunteers, and staff – find its way through my blogged-down thoughts and into this post so that you can delight in it, too.
Mid-Winter Warm Up
Posted on January 10, 2018
During the winter holiday break, my wife Jeana and I visited our son, Justin, and family in Dubai, located on the Arabian Gulf in the United Arab Emirates. Leaving the bitter cold of Wisconsin and spending a week in warm weather was a good reason for the trip. An even better reason was spending time with our family, including two grandsons.
Bring on 2018
Posted on January 03, 2018
I’m a perennial optimist; looking ahead makes me smile. I’m excited about the programs and exhibitions on the Museum’s 2018 docket and the extraordinary “rarely seen” National Geographic photographs that will fill our galleries this spring. Here’s to a fabulous 2018!
Battle the Winter Blues
Posted on December 27, 2017
The days following the Christmas holiday are anticlimactic for me. If you, too, experience a post-holiday slump, I encourage you to battle the winter blues with friends and family and a visit to the Woodson Art Museum. In addition to being warm and cozy, the Art Museum galleries offer a wonderful change of scenery.
One Good Turn Deserves Another
Posted on December 20, 2017
I have fond memories of turning my first wooden bowl during shop class at John Muir Middle School. The bowl became a Christmas present for my parents, who used it for serving holiday treats. Years later, I was surprised to learn there was a woodturning club in the area.
Mixing Traditions – Old and New
Posted on December 13, 2017
As the holidays approach, many of us likely are busy with traditional activities. Over the years, I’ve found that some of those once-exciting tasks, including Christmas shopping and decorating the house and a tree, have become less important. There remains one holiday custom – cookie baking – that I still hold dear.
Posted on December 06, 2017
December 6th. It arrives each and every year immediately following December 5th and exactly before December 7th. For the twentieth consecutive year, a snowman-adorned stocking is filled with trinkets and treats – on this day. For the sixteenth consecutive year, a Santa-adorned stocking (filled with similar goodies) hangs beside it on the mantel. And for the nineteenth year, my two kids will forget that the sixth day of December is Saint Nicholas’ Day and will be pleasantly surprised (2014 was a momentous year as my daughter did remember and added chocolate-covered curried cashews to my stocking.)
Wrap Holiday Gifts & Travel Around the Museum
Posted on November 29, 2017
With Thanksgiving in the rearview mirror, planning shifts into overdrive for upcoming holiday gift giving and travel; consider “Quilty Pleasures” getaways focused on upcoming Quilts & Wood exhibitions at the Woodson Art Museum, December 2 through February 25, 2018.
Are quilt enthusiasts and fiber artists on your gift-giving list? Consider purchasing a spot in upcoming quilting workshops at the Museum on Saturday, January 20, led by television quilt-show host Mary Fons. Get Quilty Pleasures quilt workshop details and explore other Museum giving opportunities as gift-idea options, for the upcoming holiday season and beyond.
Luck of the Calendar
Posted on November 22, 2017
I am grateful to work at the Woodson Art Museum . . . an institution that I deeply love and believe in. My Thanksgiving – and every day – gratitude extends to Museum volunteers, members, and all those who visit. The liveliness of our programs and the energy within our galleries are thanks to the shared enthusiasm of those who pass through our doors. You make our work worthwhile. The Museum is the perfect destination for visiting family and friends, and the weekend is the final opportunity to view the 2017 Birds in Art exhibition. Although the Museum is closed on Thanksgiving Day, the Museum hours on Friday, November 24, are 9 am to 4 pm; Saturday and Sunday, November 25 and 26, Noon to 5:00 pm.