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Birds in Art 2025 Prospectus

Deadline for submissions: Monday, April 14, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT USA; 5:59 AM UTC

To receive Birds in Art prospectus updates, join the prospectus email list.

Submit your Entry

Make your Payment


Since 1976, Birds in Art has showcased the remarkable talents of more than 1,100 international artists, who have presented their best work interpreting birds and related subject matter. It has made its place as the exhibition recognized globally as setting the standard for avian art.

The Woodson Art Museum again invites artists working in all mediums excluding photography and documentary to submit original two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and time-based media artworks for jury consideration for Birds in Art 2025, the milestone 50th annual exhibition, on view September 6, 2025 through January 4, 2026.


  1. Size limitations: No one dimension shall exceed 72 in. (183 cm.) including frame.
  2. Weight restrictions: No work shall exceed 150 lbs. (68 kg.) including frame and/or base.
  3. Mediums accepted: All two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and time-based media are permitted other than photography and documentary.
  4. Date completed: All work must have been completed in 2023, 2024, or 2025.
  5. Valid entries:
    1. All work must be original to the submitting artist. Submissions using AI (artificial intelligence) as a functional tool will be disqualified.
    2. No work shall have been previously exhibited at the Woodson Art Museum.
  6. Artists permitted:
    1. Artists of all ages, career levels, and locations are permitted to submit.
    2. Volunteers and employees of the Woodson Art Museum are not permitted to submit.

Entry Procedures

Deadline for submissions: Monday, April 14, 2025 at 11:59 PM CT USA; 5:59 AM UTC

Where to Submit:

  1. Online: Via Slideroom *highly preferred.
  2. By mail: With request of mail-in Entry Form. Please email or call 715.845.7010 to receive your Entry Form.

Preparing your Work Samples:

  1. Number of artworks: A maximum of two artworks may be submitted per artist under the single $60 processing fee; however, only one work will be selected to represent an artist in Birds in Art.
  2. Photography: Artists are encouraged to remove frames and matting for photography and to mask extraneous backgrounds that might impact the jurors’ ability to view the image. Artists signatures are not required to be blurred or cropped out of the image. All images are viewed on screens; jurors have the ability to zoom in for a closer look. Please take this into consideration when selecting image files.
  3. Image and video file types: Image files must be uploaded and less than 5 MB, accepted file types include: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .bmp, .tga. Video files must be uploaded and less than 250 MB, accepted file types include:.m4v, .mov, .mp4, .wmv, .flv, .asf, .mpeg, .mpg, .mkv.  Videos can also be linked to media from YouTube and Vimeo.
  4. Number of image or video files per artwork:
    1. Two-dimensional (2D) submissions: One still digital image file per artwork.
    2. Three-dimensional (3D) submissions: Up to two still digital image files per artwork or one still digital image file and one video file rotating the 3D work for a duration of up to one minute.
    3. Time-based media submissions: One video file per artwork that represents the artwork through a clip with a run time duration of up to two minutes. During the jury process, time-based media will be subject to viewing the complete artwork upon request prior to acceptance into the exhibition.
  5. File naming: All digital files must be named by the artwork title, and if submitting 3D works, include the view number (1 or 2); do not include your name. Artists including their name in the digital file name or anywhere in the application will be asked to resubmit their application or be disqualified from the jury process.
  6. For mail-in submissions only: Save your files on a USB flash drive (we no longer accept DVDs or CDs) and mail to the Woodson Art Museum along with the Entry Form and payment.

Starting your Application:

  1. This is a two-step process.You must submit your entry first via Slideroom and then complete your payment through the Woodson Art Museum’s website.
  2. Go to Slideroom:
    Submit your Entry
  3. Select your application in Slideroom:
    1. For artists submitting two-dimensional artworks such as but not limited to painting, drawing, printmaking, or fine art quilts.
      Birds in Art 2025: 2D Submission
    2. For artists submitting three-dimensional artworks such as but not limited to bronze, wood carving, installation, or bas-relief—or artists submitting a mixed submission such as but not limited to a sculpture and a drawing or a fine art video and a drawing.
      Birds in Art 2025: 3D/Mixed Submission
    3. For artists submitting film and video that includes experimental, animated, narrative works, or installations with time-based media components.
      Birds in Art 2025: Time-Based Media Submission
  4. Submission questions to prepare for: Artists will be asked for the following information upon submitting their artwork:
    1. Artist information including website (optional) and primary medium
    2. Marketing survey
    3. AI acknowledgement of non-use
    4. Accompanying media, providing the following information:
      1. All artworks: title and year artwork was completed
      2. 2D and 3D artworks only: dimensions in inches (2D: height x width or 3D: height x width x depth), and medium and support (ie. Acrylic on canvas, Charcoal on paper, or Bronze)
      3. Time-based media artworks only: duration, medium, and intended viewing device.
      4. Note: “description” is not necessary to fill out and will not come into consideration during the jury process
  5. For mail-in submissions only: Please download and fill out the Birds in Art Entry Form and mail to the Woodson Art Museum with your USB flash drive and payment.

        Make your Payment:

        1. Make your Payment: Make your $60 non-refundable processing fee to submit up to two works by following the link above and selecting submission. Submissions received without the accompanying payment will not be considered by the jury.
          Make your Payment

          1. Artists making their payment outside of the United States may experience errors. If you experience errors, please use this alterative payment source, . If errors persist, please call the Woodson Art Museum to make your payment over the phone, +1.715.845.7010 or contact your credit card provider to authorize the international payment.
        2. For mail-in submissions only: Make payment by check, accompanying the entry form and USB flash drive made payable to Woodson Art Museum in U.S. Dollars drawn on a U.S. bank or by credit card, by calling the Woodson Art Museum at 715.845.7010.

        Notification of Application Received:

        1. Two separate email notifications will arrive in your inbox confirming your materials have been received. If you have not received two emails, please contact or call 715.845.7010 to determine the issue.
        2. For mail-in submissions only: You will receive one email confirming your payment being received.

        Mail-in Submissions Only

        1. Deadline for mail-in submissions: Submissions must be postmarked by Monday, April 14, 2025, and must be received at the Museum no later than April 17, 2025.
          1. International artists: Air mail can take two to three weeks to reach Wisconsin. Send your entries before the postmark deadline as they may not arrive by April 17.
          2. The Woodson Art Museum is not responsible for lost or damaged USB flash drives. USB flash drives will not be returned.
        2. Mail materials: USB flash drive with media files, Entry Form, and payment to:

        Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum
        Attn: Birds in Art Entry
        700 N 12th St
        Wausau, WI 54403-5007 U.S.A.

        Notification of Selection Decisions

        1. Number of artists: Based on jury review, approximately 90 artists will be invited to participate.
        2. Selection email: All submitting artists will be notified by email of selection decisions. No selection decisions will be released over the telephone or via postal service.
          1. The Museum reserves the right not to display any selected work that does not correspond to the quality or configuration indicated in the submitted images.
          2. Artwork shipping instructions will be sent with selection notification.
          3. In mid-September 2025, all artists submitting entries for jury consideration will receive a complimentary 2025 Birds in Art digital catalogue via email. Upon request and shipped at the artist’s expense, artists will receive a complimentary physical 2025 Birds in Art catalogue.

        Accepted Artist Responsibilities

        1. Fees associated with exhibiting:
          1. $150 participation fee: Covers the experiences listed below in “Museum Responsibilities” and “Museum Opportunities.”
          2. Optional $150 photography fee: Includes professional photography of the artwork at the Woodson Art Museum.
        2. Artist statement required upon acceptance: Exhibiting artists will be asked to submit an artist statement along with a forms packet that is due on June 2, 2025.
        3. High-resolution image files: Artists will send an image that meets the Museum’s expectations, detailed later in the forms packet. Artists with time-based media artworks must provide high-resolution still(s) of their artwork.
        4. Display of artworks:
          1. Two-dimensional (2D) artworks: Artworks must be framed, mounting, matting, and framing are the responsibility of the artist. If framing is inadequate, the Museum will consult the artist regarding improvements that will be made at the artist’s expense.
          2. Three-dimensional (3D) artworks: Must be ready for display.
          3. Time-based media artworks: The artists will be given a selection of the Museum’s viewing device inventory. If the Museum’s inventory is inadequate, within reason, the Museum will cover the cost to ship artist-owned device or acquire the device needed.
        5. Packing and crating: Artists are responsible for all packing and crating costs.

        Museum Responsibilities to Accepted Artists

        1. Shipping: The Museum pays for shipping of artwork to and from the Museum.
        2. Insurance: The Museum handles all costs associated with wall-to-wall fine arts insurance.
        3. Complimentary catalogues: Each exhibiting artist receives four physical complimentary Birds in Art 2025 catalogues.

        Museum Opportunities for Accepted Artists

        1. Purchasing artworks: The Museum generally acquires twelve to twenty artworks from Birds in Art each year.
        2. Touring opportunity: The Museum coordinates the Birds in Art tour after the exhibition closes in Wausau. Artists are encouraged to make their artworks available for the tour; however, it is not mandatory. Notification of an artist’s inclusion in the tour occurs in mid-September.
        3. No commission: The Museum does not take a commission for artworks sold during Birds in Art.
        4. Programs: The Museum offers the opportunity for artists to demonstrate in public-facing programs.



        Monday, April 14
        Online and postmarked submission deadline

        Friday, May 2
        On or about; email notifications to artists

        Monday, June 2
        Deadline for receipt of:

        • Forms packet
        • Artist statement
        • Participation fee ($150) and optional photography fee ($150)
        • Image file

        Friday, June 27
        Deadline for receipt of artwork

        Monday, July 14
        Deadline for programming participation responses

        Thursday – Friday, September 4 – 5
        Preview experience for exhibiting artists and Museum members

        Saturday, September 6
        Public opening and program


        Sunday, January 4
        Exhibition closes at the Woodson Art Museum

        Monday, February 9
        On or before, return of artwork not included in Birds in Art 2025 tour


        Monday, March 29
        On or before, return of artwork included in Birds in Art 2025 tour

        Phone: 715.854.7010

        Museum Programs Supported by
        American Alliance of Museums Accredited Museum
        Travel Green Member
