In these frigid winter months in north central Wisconsin, fewer birds are outside my window, but I can still hear some calls.
The ducks are back in my neighborhood. I pass them every day as I go over a creek on my way to work. Down low, blocked from the blistering winds, they huddle together in water that is somehow not frozen before trickling into the iced-over Wisconsin River. Encouraged by harmonious quacking, children and adults alike peer over the ravine flicking treats to the ducks, which probably is the reason they migrate back to this cozy spot every year. The scene reminds me of the depiction of hooded mergansers in an Anne Senechal Faust serigraph from the Woodson Art Museum’s collection.

Anne Senechal Faust, January Thaw (2/18), 1998, serigraph on Strathmore board
As the ducks call to one another at this time of year, the Woodson Art Museum is issuing a call, too. The 2022 Birds in Art prospectus is now available on the Museum’s website. There, artists, will find artwork specifications and how to submit entries for jury consideration for the 2022 Birds in Art exhibition.
Once an artist has done the hard part of creating artwork, the submission process is designed to be painless. Watch this video below to see how simple it is as we help artists navigate the specifications and online portal.
I had more than a little fun creating an imaginary artist and artwork to submit. Rather than depicting my neighborhood ducks, I mocked up a little drawing/collage of a rubber duck in a tub.
The Woodson Art Museum invites all artists interpreting birds and related subject matter, other than those working in photography, to submit new two- and three-dimensional artwork for consideration for the 2022 Birds in Art exhibition. If you’re not an artist, please share this blog with artist friends.
We’re ready for bird-themed artwork to migrate to the Museum; don’t delay, submit before the April 15, 2022 deadline.