A Walk Down the Hall

By: deanna on April 1st, 2010

I just came back from my early afternoon trek to the breakroom for a Diet Coke. It’s a walk I always enjoy because I never know what I’m going to encounter along the way.

Kathy Foley’s office is right across the hall from mine so I might get a peek of her signing membership letters, working on a grant application narrative, crunching budget numbers, or editing copy for something that no doubt has a just-around-the-corner deadline.

Then it’s past the Museum’s library/conference room. I always get a chuckle when I see our many art techniques, artist, and art history books filling the shelves alongside bird identification, bird behavior, and bird habitat books. I doubt any other North American art museum library stocks this unusual combo.

Next, I go past office manager Shari Schroeder’s office. Her space is tucked behind a wall so I never actually get a glimpse of what she’s up to unless I stop in. Shari has a rear-view mirror on her computer and would see me if I peeked around the corner. I wouldn’t want to be brought up on spying charges!

Jayna Hintz’s office, next on my route, is generally a hoot because this is where she preps things for the next Art Park installation. Right now I see five dog stuffies dressed in the cutest costumes. Jayna herself is tucked around a corner, but her “welcoming committees” of stuffed critters, puppets, and toys make me smile.

Curatorial assistant Kathryn Piffl has the quietest office of anyone in the Museum. If her light isn’t on, I’d never know she’s in there. Ever efficient and attentive to details, Kathryn’s office is as neat as a pin, too. She obviously was born with the “tidy” gene.

A few feet further on, Erin Narloch’s work space is filled with photos of her adorable son, Blake, now seventeen months old. It’s always a happy place – and that makes me feel happy.

Jane Weinke’s office is next. Here, I feel like I’m coming home because I had this office from 1984-1997. It’s a tough spot to work in because it has no door and anyone going downstairs via this route goes through Jane’s open space. She tried putting a fake cardboard door up once to make us all knock before “entering” but she couldn’t retrain us. Jane works best when she’s talking to herself so I try to pass by quietly which can be difficult if a bowl of jelly beans or M&Ms is on her counter.

The only office I don’t pass is Andy McGivern’s. His space is beyond Jane’s. He does have a door and it’s open, but I can’t just saunter in to see what he’s up to. That might appear a bit suspicious!! I have to wait for Andy to come to my office.

After I fetch my soda, I make the return trip. You’d be surprised how much can change in just those 3-4 minutes before I head back to my own office.

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