A Masterful Rooftop Wrap Up

By: Matt Foss on August 11th, 2021

Last Wednesday, as the sun literally set in the background from atop the Woodson Art Museum’s soon-to-be-opened-to-the-public-I-swear Rooftop Sculpture Garden, the sun figuratively set on my experiences in the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Master of Business Administration program.

After completing two courses this summer and graduating, I am officially done. While the readings, papers, projects, and exams are in the rearview mirror, the friendships and professional relationships created during my time in the program are just in their infancy. To foster these relationships further, I offered to host an event at the Museum for the MBA students and faculty. Fortunately, the UWSP MBA powers that be accepted my invitation, and a hearty group came to enjoy what the Museum has to offer.

The evening included a behind-the-scenes-tour of the Museum, an experience through the main temporary exhibition on view: Handstitched Worlds: The Cartography of Quilts, and a preview of the Rooftop Sculpture Garden. Curator of exhibitions Shannon Pueschner, curator of education Catie Anderson, and education assistant Holly Van Eperen, aided in their capacity as Museum staff at the event.

In addition to the experiences inside the Museum, great weather allowed for all to enjoy conversation on the roof as the evening progressed and the sun made its way below the horizon. With every sunset, a sunrise is around the corner. Hopefully, my friends and colleagues in the program agree.

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