2015 was a busy year for the Woodson Art Museum’s education department, and 2016 is off to a great start with one artist residency completed and over two hundred area students already served. In 2015, the Museum welcomed thousands of regional Pre-K through twelfth-grade students to the Museum during docent-led experiences, artist residencies, workshops, and camps. Exhibitions also inspired public programming geared toward teens and adults and enlivened the galleries through a concert series, nighttime photography workshop, drawing and painting classes, and presentations on an array of topics from collaborative art making and building guitars to avian ecology and tactile art.
Museum staff rarely has time to reflect on the efforts and achievements we all put forth in our jobs, so I hope Woodson Wanderings followers will indulge me in a brief trip down memory lane.

If you have memories from the programs, exhibitions, or experiences mentioned in this blog or others from 2015, please share stories from your Woodson Art Museum highlights reel.